About the Authors

Silent Storm has been writing ever since she was a child.  As a young girl, she dreamed of becoming a writer when she grew up.  As she got older, her love for writing never faded, but her focus for her life changed.  She still dreams of getting a children's book or two published, and maybe someday a novel as well.  But for now, she blogs and writes short stories.  You can find her personal blog here.

Lusile Archman is outgoing, imaginative, and a lover of creative writing, with innumerable narratives and uncountable stories – most of which remain unfinished. An endless list of prompts and plots are thrown around in her mind every day, along with ideas to complete them. Lusile is always looking for inspirational ideas to give the world more to think about, more to stories to live in, and more to read about.

Lavender Penryn is a dreamer. She finds beauty in the little things, magic in the ordinary, and stories everywhere. Some of her favorite books include The Lord of the Rings, Little Women, The Secret Garden, and Anne of Green Gables – all stories full of magic and beauty and wonder. With this blog, Lavender hopes to contribute a little beauty and magic (and humor) of her own to the world, just as countless authors have done before her.


  1. Such a beautiful page...I am so excited to read the stories!


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